• 18 July 2023
Which tennis racquet is suitable for 60 year old people?

In my quest to find the ideal tennis racquet for those who are 60 and older, I've discovered that comfort, control and a lighter weight are crucial. A racquet with a larger head size is often recommended as it provides a bigger sweet spot, making the game more enjoyable. Brands like Wilson and Babolat have suitable models such as the Wilson Ultra 100L and Babolat Drive Max 110. These offer a good balance between power and control without straining the arm. So, if you're in your golden years and looking to enjoy a game of tennis, these racquets could be a perfect match for you.

  • 28 March 2023
How to choose a tennis racket?

Choosing the right tennis racket can seem like an intimidating task. With so many racket styles, sizes, and specifications, it can be difficult to know what to look for. To find the best racket for your game, you'll want to consider your playing style, skill level, and preferences. Additionally, look at the racket head size, string pattern, and weight to find the perfect balance of power and control. Lastly, don't forget to check the balance of the racket and its grip size, as these two factors can make a big difference in your performance. With these tips in mind, you should be able to find a great racket for your game.